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/ The Programmer Disk / The Programmer Disk (Microforum).iso / xpro / vb2 / pro17 / kbcfrm.frm (.txt) < prev    next >
Visual Basic Form  |  1992-07-31  |  778b  |  21 lines

  1. Kbcfrm
  2. Kb Status Indicator
  3. Form2*
  4. Text1
  5. Clock1
  6. Clock1
  7. KBStat1
  8. KBStat1
  9. Form_Paint
  10.     ConvexFrm
  11. KBCFrm
  12. ConcaveCtl
  13. Clock1
  14. text1
  15.     Form_Load
  16. CenterForm
  17. defint a-z    
  18. Form_Paint
  19. Form_Load
  20. Type here as in a major input control....(use the KB Lock keys).